Welding 5052 To 6061. By Chris2626 Date 09-15-2013 1625. Chat Now Send Inquiry.
5052 aluminum has the best welding properties of all the aluminum grades with excellent finishing qualities. The nominal chemistry of 5052 is only 25 percent magnesium. I have some machined 6061 pieces that I was going to weld to some 5052 sheetmetal is that actually going to be a problem.
5051 and 5052 are very similar.
I am a designer and am concerned with the mechanical properties. I will be welding aluminum 5052 to 6061-T6 and 6061-T6 to 6061-T6 using 5356 and 4043 filler metals. Yes It welds fine I never could tell much difference welding 5052 to 5052 or to 6061. Use 5356 - 4043.