Welding Copper Fumes. When welding beryllium copper care should be taken to avoid inhaling the welding fumes which are poisonous. Basically copper is like lead carbon dioxide arsenic carbon monoxide acids chlorine whiskey almost anything you can think of-heck- even water.
Extreme cases lead to nausea and metal fume fever. The higher zinc alloys are used in applications. When welding beryllium copper care should be taken to avoid inhaling the welding fumes which are poisonous.
The most common acute effect of exposure to intense welding fume is called Metal Fume Fever with symptoms similar to the common flu.
Zinc the coating used in galvanized metal is often associated with Metal Fume Fever. When welding with copper its important that you wear protective gear and work in a well-ventilated area since the process releases dangerous fumes. Also see specific listing for Copper dusts and mists Finely divided black particulate dispersed in air. None for copper and alloys in their natural solid form.