Welding Helmet Forum. The HF and other cheap helmets are fine for the hobby welder but the batteries can go down when the helmet sets unused. I bought a new replacement lens on line big mistake and although it does have replaceable batteries it doesnt work to my satisfaction.
Welding helmet electronic auto darkening filter ADF on. The headgear on the Digital Infinity is the best I have ever worn. It is an esab which is a very good brand and I am sure that it is.
Streem26 I agree.
A solar welding helmet can protect you well. You are currently viewing as a guest which gives you limited access to view discussions. August 01 2020 043326 pm First off Im assuming Ill have more luck finding someone who is knowledgeable about electronics and also welds here on eevblog than I will finding someone knowledgeable about electronics on a welding forum. Here you can join over 40000 Welding Professionals enthusiasts from around the world discussing all things related to Welding.